Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 23rd-27th

We continue to learn about giving and generosity. We are creating special artwork and decorating the hallways. Ask your child what gift they decided to give that does not cost any money. We also created some very cute polar bears for the hallways.

In Math, students worked at the “turnaround” strategy for addition and completed more closed word problems. We continue to practice counting by 2’s to 20, by 5’s and 10’s to 100.

Students were given a picture prompt and asked to write about it. Students had a picture of a boy and girl with a huge dog in a wagon. The wagon’s wheels had broken off. Students were asked to write sentences about what they see and what might have happened prior to and after the picture was taken. We will be doing this more over the next few weeks. I was impressed! Students are really getting used to sounding out the words that they need when writing. The word family this week was “op”.


Upcoming Events:

Monday: Wear your formal uniform

Wednesday: Library Book Exchange

Thursday: Return your homework folder/Spelling test

Friday: No School

Sunday, November 22, 2020

November 16th - 19th

Students were super excited about our surprise casual, rainbow day. It was a super colourful Monday! Thank you for checking out our blog each week.

LA/Social Studies/Health: Students have been writing about what makes them happy. This upcoming week, we will be writing about ways that we can fill someone else’s bucket. How can we help our neighbours, family and friends to be happy by doing special good deeds for them? We will then carry out these deeds during the month of December to help people realize how important they are to us. Feel free to discuss some possible things that you can do for others with your child. We will also be doing some special art work around this topic to decorate the hallways and the Learning Commons for the month of December.

Word Family: “ot”

Math: We continued to practice the “Counting Up Strategy” for addition this week, as well as practice with some closed word problems. We will be moving on to more open-ended problems and the “Turn Around Strategy” in the upcoming weeks.

Science: Students were excited to complete the smell test this week. We had six jars of items that you would use in your household, such as coffee, cinnamon, garlic, curry, toothpaste and vinegar. Students had to smell and guess what the items were from a list of 10 possible items. Students did an excellent job of figuring out these items! We will be learning about the sense of hearing and doing a sound test over the next two weeks.

Upcoming Events:

Monday: Formal Uniform Day

We need to wear a white dress shirt and not a polo shirt. Leggings are not acceptable for formal or informal uniforms. You must wear a tie if you wear pants for your formal uniform.

Wednesday: Library book exchange

We had a lot of students forget their books this past week, probably as we have not had book exchange for two weeks. Please send in your child’s books this week, so that they can get a new book.

Friday: Homework is due and we have a spelling test.

Friday, November 13, 2020

November 9th- 13th

LA: Students wrote about what Peace means to them. They could also use their five senses to explain how it feels, looks like, sounds like, tastes like and smells like. I was so impressed that all students wrote three or more sentences. It was definitely a topic that they enjoyed writing about.

Word Family: "ip"

Math: We started addition and some open-ended word problems. Students are expected to draw a picture and write number and word sentences to demonstrate the solution.

Science: We completed a touch test this week. Students were given a bag of different materials and were then given a descriptive word. They had to feel inside the bag to identify the correct object. Students enjoyed this activity very much.

Art: We used pointillism to create a fall tree. Students used markers, instead of paint, to make tiny dots in a pattern to create the leaves for the tree.

We enjoyed watching the Remembrance Day Assembly organized by the grade threes. Our school created postcards for the Veterans and I was able to send some of these to my brother-in-law, 3 cousins, an uncle and my father-in-law back in Newfoundland and in the USA. They were super touched and appreciated the gesture and artwork by our students. Other cards were delivered to the Veterans here in Calgary.


Message from Mrs. Taylor


Hello Le Roi Daniels!

Although it may be dreary, grey and gloomy outside, at Le Roi Daniels we are always cheerful and full of brightness.

On Monday November 16, we are going to bring colour and joy to our school by having a casual day where students can wear ANY colour of the rainbow.

This is one way to show our joy and remember we have a “RAINBOW OF POSSIBILITIES” in our school.

Be as creative as you would like!


Saturday, November 7, 2020

November 2nd-6th

LA: This week, we read two books entitled, Whoever You Are by Mem Fox and I’m Like you, You’re Like Me by Cindy Gainer. We talked about how we are alike and how we are different. Students were then given a partner and a list of questions to interview their friend. Once they had filled out the interview graphic organizer, they used the information to write complete sentences about their partner. Students then got the chance to introduce their partner to the class. We are still working on getting through everyone to present and should finish this up early next week.

Word Family: “in”

Math: Students practiced counting by 2’s and continued comparing numbers. This week we compared the number of boys and girls in our class and which we had more of.

Social Studies: We are still working on the groups that we belong to. We were able to have a discussion about what a TLC school is and what the symbols in our school crest mean.

ART: We read stories about Remembrance Day and created a field of poppies scene and made postcards for Veterans.

HOMEWORK FOLDERS: Thanks for completing homework with your child and correcting it. Please check the homework document carefully, as there is a word problem, in addition to the Mathletics task most weeks. Please clean out your child’s homework folder and keep all previous weeks’ work at home. You only need to send in the present week’s work.


Upcoming Events:

Monday: Formal Uniform/Last day to order Acorn Art Projects

Tuesday: Formal Uniform for the Remembrance Day Assembly

Wednesday: NO School. Please keep your library books at home

Friday: Return your homework folders