Saturday, June 12, 2021

It was a fun week in room 11 as we travelled back in time to experience life as a pioneer. We had to adjust Pioneer Day this year due to COVID, so there were some activities that we could not do, such as make biscuits and butter, and some outdoor games due to closeness to others. You may want to try some biscuits and butter making at home this week or over the summer. We learned how things have changed over time. We got to see/use some olden day toys and games, pretend we were in a pioneer school and make paper dolls that represented how children grew back in the olden days. We also learned about entertainment, transportation, cooking, communication, and houses of that time frame. Comments by many students were that it was hard being a pioneer and of course it was tough to believe that they did not have electronics.

We also had Sports Day and intramurals on Friday. Students enjoyed all the activities that Mrs. Ghertsos planned for us. I enjoyed having fun playing games with the students as well. Thanks to School Council for donating “Freezies” for our special snack.

There is no official homework for the next two weeks. Students are expected to read each night on RazKids and to do any Mathletics items that were not completed. You can also redo any of the Mathletics items that you did not get 100% on and try to improve your skills. I will not assign them again, as you can just go in and redo on your own. RazKids will be available to you and your child over the summer months, as we want your child to continue reading so that they do not lose the progress that we have made this year. I am so thankful to all parents who read regularly with your child. It has made such an improvement in their development. I will switch RazKids levels just before summer, so that books are just right, not too easy or difficult.

The upcoming week, June 14th-18th, is our last week of wearing uniforms. It is formal uniform on Monday and casual uniform with a crested piece of clothing and black or navy socks for the remainder of the week. The last week of school will be all casual days.

I will be sending home the homework folders, last spelling test and other completed work throughout the week as well, so we do not have as many things to bring home the following week. Please clean these materials out of your child’s backpack each night. On Friday, I will send home black shoes and we will just leave our gym shoes at school for the last week.

Our class has returned all of our library books, so thanks so much for helping Mrs. O’Neill get the library ready for next year.

Please notify the school if you are not returning to our school next year or if you will be not here the last week of classes or at the beginning of the new school year. Special arrangements will need to be made to get you materials, reports or to save your spot.

Upcoming Events:

Monday, 14th: Formal Uniform

Friday, 18th: Last day of Intramurals

Sunday, 20th: Father’s Day

Monday, 21st - Friday 25th casual days

Friday, June 25th: Last Day of Classes for students

                  Report Cards and all materials come home